RCH: Information session for parents & carers of children with cancer - the survivorship phase

June 19, 2024

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The International Brain Tumour Research Summit - Australia

December 13, 2023

Please join us for the first International Brain Tumour Research Summit - Australia. This one day event will bring together leaders, experts, and innovators to discuss and explore the latest...

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CRUK Children’s Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence International Summer School 2024

December 4, 2023

Childhood Brain Tumour Research In The Era Of Big Data The Summer School will be held at Trinity Hall, Cambridge from 17th – 19th July 2024. The sessions will include topics such as; AI and...

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EpCam 2023 Meeting Overview

August 14, 2023

The second Ependymoma Science Meeting, EPCam was held in June 2023, in Cambridge, UK. We were proud to support this event along with Texas Children’s Hospital and Cancer Research UK. Overall 23...

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10 Years of Impact Film

June 7, 2023

The Robert Connor Dawes (RCD) Foundation are celebrating 10 years of impact our Foundation has made in the areas of research, care and development. Your awesome supports means we are able to fund...

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Childhood Brain Cancer Awareness Day: High Grade Glioma (HGG)

September 22, 2022

September 26 is Brain Cancer Awareness Day. This year the focus is on high grade glioma (HGG).  High-grade gliomas (HGGs) are the most malignant type of CNS tumours that occur in children....

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RCD Wrap Up: International Symposium on Paediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO)

July 14, 2022

The Robert Connor Dawes (RCD) Foundation proudly sponsored the 20th International Symposium on Paediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO) in Hamburg, Germany this June. The conference attracted more than 400...

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Children's Brain Tumor Network Early-Career Investigator Info Session

September 10, 2021

An opportunity for investigators early in their careers to come together and connect with peers across the countryAn opportunity for investigators early in their careers to come together and connect...

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About Childhood Brain Cancer

December 11, 2020

What is a brain tumour? Brain tumours include types of brain cancer, however not all brain tumours are cancerous. Brain tumours are the growth of abnormal cells in the tissues of the brain or...

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About DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)

November 11, 2020

About DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) DIPG, or diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, is a type of brain tumour found in an area of the brainstem (the part of the brain just above the back of...

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