Go Grey in May 2021- Thank You!

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in Go Grey in May during Brain Cancer Awareness Month.

It was a busy month full of activities and events!

We kicked off the month with the launch of our online trivia game, birdbrain.  Thank you to our game sponsor Sharpie, and everyone who played! You reached the $20,000 goal with a few days to spare! We also decided to keep the game available until June 4 due to the lockdown in Victoria.

We hosted a relaxing and mindful morning of yoga with Connor’s yoga teacher Patricia, at Hampton. The recording is available to stream for free, you can watch it here.

Our Second Brainy Breakfast on May 13 at Elwood Bathers was a great success, with the brightest minds in brain cancer research sharing with us their exciting news from the frontline of paediatric research, as well as a moving performance by our legacy ambassador Georgia. Read more.

RCDF Legacy Ambassador Georgia performing at our Brainy Breakfast with Music Therapist, Megan


Our awesome partner, Metalbird generously continue to support our foundation with the sale of their RCD birds- 50% of proceeds go to our foundation, and during the month of May they gave away a free Baby Bird with every RCD Bird purchase.

We had a range of schools and workplaces host their own Go Grey in May days, selling RCD merch and hosting fun activities, as well as a Brainy Trivia Night community event.

Lauriston Go Grey Day

BGS + Firbank Go Grey Morning

We co-hosted The Childhood Brain Cancer Symposium on the 26th May at the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation with The Kids Cancer Project. The symposium focused on the key challenges faced by the paediatric brain cancer community. You can read more here.

The official Go Grey in May Casual Day was Friday 28 May, despite the lockdown in place in Victoria we had lots of people wear their comfy greys and PJ’s at home and tagging us on social media.

#teacharlotte wearing grey for Go Grey in May Day

Due to the lockdown implemented in Victoria some schools and workplaces will be hosting ‘belated Go Grey in May Days’ later in the year.