Our extra special big hearted brains.

Virginia and Pippa Rea


In March 2015, Virginia’s daughter Pippa, aged 11, died of a DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma), the most aggressive form of paediatric brain cancer, which only occurs in young children. Initially diagnosed in June 2013, Pippa was the inaugural recipient of the RCD Foundation’s Yoga and Music Therapy programs and won a special place in our hearts. Pippa’s tumour was donated post mortem to the RCH Tumour Tissue Bank, resulting in the sharing of live cell lines across the world for research into paediatric brain cancer. A trust recognising this important contribution has since been established in Pippa’s name at the Tissue Bank. In recognition and memory of Pippa, RCDF are the major annual contributor to the trust and its work into paediatric brain cancer research. Virginia continues to be an avid supporter, fundraiser and advocate of the RCD Foundation.
Make a donation in Pippa’s name

Penny and Zoe Stanley


In March 2017, 5-year-old Zoe Stanley was diagnosed with a rare and incurable giant cell glioblastoma multiforme tumour. Zoe was an incredible and happy little girl – artistic, brave and obsessed with everything unicorns, butterflies and rainbows. After learning of Connor’s Run during a treatment at Peter Mac, Zoe’s family immediately formed the team ‘United Unicorns for Zoe’. The Stanley family and their friends rallied their local Geelong community to raise more than $50,000 for Connor’s Run and brain matters. Unfortunately, Zoe was too unwell to attend the day, and in December 2017, just nine months after diagnosis, Zoe lost her fight. Zoe’s mum Penny made a promise to her little girl she would do all she could to help others facing the same fight, we’re in awe of her strength and forever grateful for their support in changing the odds. In Zoe’s memory, her family have created the foundation Zoe’s Fight to raise funds for paediatric brain cancer research.

In 2023 Zoe’s Fight contributed $15,000 towards the Robert Connor Dawes funding amount of $350,000 for South Australia’s first paediatric brain tumour biobank.

Make a donation in Zoe’s name

Marisa and Marcus Rosin


Marcus Rosin was just four years old when he was diagnosed with an ependymoma. For three years his family believed he was in the clear, but in 2012 Marcus relapsed with the tumour spreading to his spine. Obsessed with superheroes, Marcus’ parents say he was the real superhero. Despite years of gruelling treatments, Marcus never complained, always telling his parents not to worry, everything would be ok. But in 2014, at nine years old, Marcus lost his fight.

Since losing Marcus, his mum Marisa has been working hard to change the odds for other families, taking part in Connor’s Run and founding the Marcus Rosin Fund through the Children’s Cancer Foundation.

Martin and Olivia Phelan


In January 2017, 15-year-old Olivia Phelan was diagnosed with an ependymoma. The shock diagnosis saw Olivia undergo major surgery, which unfortunately could not remove the entire tumour. At the time, the entire family were Singapore-based, but were home visiting family in Melbourne during Olivia’s diagnosis. Meaning, Olivia was treated by Dr. Jordan R. Hansford – an oncologist RCD works with closely and was eligible to take part in the AIM Brain Project, allowing rapid access to the best and most accurate diagnostic information about her tumour. When Olivia’s dad Martin realised it was the RCD Foundation who funded the AIM initiative, he decided to take action. In March 2017 Martin organised a bike ride around the island of Singapore, raising more than $51,000 to support the RCD Foundation in continuing programs like AIM.

Olivia has since completed her treatment and is living her life to the fullest.

Kellie and Wyatt Crampton


Wyatt Crampton was diagnosed with an anaplastic ependymoma brain tumor a week before turning 1yo in early 2013. In the three years that would follow, Wyatt underwent four major brain surgeries and one spinal surgery to remove tumor. He received chemotherapy and 90 rounds of radiation. As a result of the surgeries and treatments, Wyatt suffered from respiratory issues, lost vision and hearing in his left side and had balance issues. None of this could stop him. Wyatt was never affected mentally, and his mum Kellie says he was a very clever boy with a love of building complex puzzles and lego. Wyatt even went to mainstream Kindergarten while still receiving treatment. Wyatt always wanted to keep fighting and was largely motivated by his big brother, Oscar, who is only 20 months older than him. Sadly, in 2017, two weeks before his fifth birthday, Wyatt lost his battle. Wyatt was one of the RCD Foundation’s first Music Therapy recipients, a resilient little boy who we’ll always remember.

Harry Dunn


Harry Dunn is a survivor. He has faced, as a teenager, one of life’s cruellest obstacles – a brain tumour. Harry is one of the lucky ones, his brain tumour was benign. He had a successful surgery and is now living his life, a different life, for sure. He has to deal with tiredness uncharacteristic for a young man and eyes that are much more sensitive. But his life is his to live. Harry could have moved on from this experience, hoping to put it all behind him. Instead, he has embraced our charity, enthusiastically taking part in Connor’s Run each year and amassing a large cohort to run and fundraise along with him. He is dedicated to giving back and helping other young people deal with the same cruel diagnosis but with a much crueller prognosis.

Grace and Liam Money


Grace Money was only four years old when she was diagnosed in late December 2017 with an inoperable brain tumour shortly after a family holiday to Tasmania with her dad Liam, mum Jo and two sisters Ellie and Poppy. Grace fought the cruel disease courageously, undergoing six weeks of radiotherapy treatment at the RCH and Peter Mac to shrink the tumour. A happy, vibrant and forever smiling little girl, Grace loved rainbows, unicorns, whale sharks, spider monkeys and chickens. Post radiation treatment, Grace was able to swim with dolphins and interact with as many animals as she could. Animals brought so much joy and happiness to Gracie.

Sadly Grace lost her battle on October 2nd, 2018 at just 5 years of age. Her dad Liam and mum Jo have been working tirelessly to change the odds for other families, by raising awareness and funds through participation in Connor’s Run and hosting Gracie’s Gift, an event held at Riverside Cricket Club, with money raised supporting the RCD Foundation and the McGrath Foundation respectively.

Make a donation to Gracie’s Gift.

Dustin Perry


In 2013 Dustin Perry’s then five-year-old daughter, Chloe was diagnosed with brain cancer and was treated over four years, unsuccessfully. The dad of three was appalled by the lack of funding given to the disease, so in April 2017 Dustin wrote to then Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull regarding the low survival rates of brain cancer and the lack of effort and funding by the government. The letter was published in The Australian and soon went viral, with Dustin making a number of appearances on Ten’s The Project. After meeting with Malcolm Turnbull and the Minister for Health Greg Hunt, a brain cancer roundtable meeting followed. This resulted in the launch of the Australian Brain Cancer Mission in October 2017. Dustin’s sheer determination also led to the Federal Government co-funding RCDF’s AIM Brain initiative.

Dustin is a member of the Strategic Advisory Committee for ABCM at Cancer Australia. He’s currently working alongside the Minister for Health, Liz and many others in increasing funding for The Australian and New Zealand Children’s Haematology/Oncology Group (ANZCHOG).

Along with his advocacy work, Dustin has been involved in Connor’s Erg with the Euroa Gym, rallying the entire town of Euroa to get behind their awesome fundraising and awareness efforts – even appearing on the Today show.

Olivia and Carol Carland


In October 2012 Olivia Kate Carland was diagnosed with a brain tumour which was later confirmed as a Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (D.I.P.G.).
Olivia loved life and touched everyone she met. She was involved in sporting activities including basketball, netball, dancing, umpiring football and was elected sports captain in year 12. Olivia was a much loved daughter and sister who is now sadly missed. She is remembered by those who knew her as an extraordinary girl of courage and humility, whose smile could light up a room.
Olivia was 17 when diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. She endured 18 months of numerous rounds of chemotherapy and intensive radiotherapy. Olivia fought this insidious disease bravely and selflessly. Sadly Olivia passed away on the 8th of April 2014. Olivia and her family and friends have been actively raising money to find a cure for brain cancer. Only 6 weeks before Olivia passed away she led her team the ‘Carland Koala Clan’ in the relay for life at Aberfeldie. The team continued the relay and raised valuable funds over a period of 3 years.

Olivia’s family and friends continue to raise money and awareness for the RCD Foundation, hosting events and getting involved in Go Grey in May and Connor’s Run.

Jacob Walker


In March 2014 Jacob Walker had surgery to remove a malignant Grade II astrocytoma glioma brain tumor. A mere six months later, he completed the 2014 New York City Marathon, raising money for brain cancer research.

Despite everything life has thrown at him, Jacob has taken his diagnosis in his stride, he has two beautiful children and is passionate about campaigning for greater awareness, funding and research for brain cancer.

Kat Miller


Kat was 16 years old and just starting out her VCE studies when she was diagnosed with a pilocytic astrocytoma brain tumour. Due to the location, resection wasn’t an option, so after a brain biopsy, she underwent 12 months of chemotherapy. Fortunately, this type of brain cancer is low-grade and slow growing, Kat is now stable. Despite the good outcome, the side effects of the tumour have not been easy to live with. Kat suffers from many neurological symptoms, such as fatigue, coordination issues, autonomic dysfunction, strength issues, and chronic pain.

Kat came to learn about the RCD Foundation through our music therapy grant program, which she received after her treatment. Kat has proven to be a moving public speaker for our foundation and is dedicated to raising awareness, and supporting other young people as they face a life-altering diagnosis and journey.

Gideon Gratzer & Rebecca Goldstein


In May 2018, 8 year old Gideon Gratzer was diagnosed with an aggressive GBM tumour. Gideon’s treatment involved surgery, radiotherapy and targeted chemotherapy treatment. During this time, Gideon’s family were privileged to spend extraordinary quality time with him.  Gideon was a gorgeous, funny and gentle boy, devoted to his siblings and family. He loved going to school, loved all things cookie-monster related and entertained everyone with his quirky sense of humour and fantastic memory. In May 2019, almost 12 months after diagnosis, Gideon died at age 9.

Since 2019 Gideon’s family and friends have been participating in Connor’s Run, raising an enormous amount of funds and awareness for paediatric brain cancer.

We’re proud to announce that we’re funding the Gideon Gratzer PhD Scholarship, it will provide $30,000 per year for three years. Read more here

Make a donation in Gideon’s name

The Berry Family


Rory Berry was diagnosed in May 2018 age 4 with a form of low grade gliomas called Disseminated Glioneuronal Tumors. It is an incurable and very rare condition which he underwent surgery for followed by 68 weeks of chemotherapy. His treatment finished in October 2019 – and whilst his many tumors remain – they are currently stable.

His family decided to raise money for research with the hope of finding answers to potentially help Rory and other children live a long and happy life. Rory’s oncologist Dr Jordan Hansford directed them to the RCD Foundation as being leaders in contributing to paediatric brain cancer research. His parents Gemma and Josh, along with Rory and big brother Hayden participated in the Great Ocean Road Running Festival in 2019 with a team of 18 runners, and subsequently entered another strong team for Connors Run – raising over $42,000 in the process.

The Berry family are passionate in continuing to raise awareness and funds for paediatric brain cancer in their local community of Geelong and beyond. They have produced a range of clothing for “Rory’s Warriors” sharing the RCD logo which has proved to be very popular and facilitate fundraising.

Rory has an incredible affable, cheeky and loveable personality that draws people in and encourages involvement and assistance. The family continue to participate in sporting events emblazoned with the “Rory’s Warriors and RCD” logos, including Connor’s Run, to broaden the public knowledge and raise funds for research.

Jean Mitchell


Jean was diagnosed with medulloblastoma brain cancer in 2016. At the time she was a keen rower and had competed at the Henley Royal Regatta a few months prior, after being undefeated in Australia (in the schoolgirl quad) for two years.

Jean was excited to see where her rowing career would take her. But she started experiencing throbbing in the back of her head, and slowly more symptoms emerged such as loss of balance, blurred vision, vomiting and extreme dizziness (so bad she could barely get out of bed). The diagnosis process took many month (and many different doctors) until an MRI discovered the tumour in the back of her brain. Naturally this was a major shock to Jean and her friends and family.

A few days after the diagnosis she underwent surgery, performed by neurosurgeon Wirginia Maixner, where she was able to remove the entire tumour. The next steps of treatment included radiation and chemotherapy. Jean returned to rowing in the final stages of chemotherapy, but it soon became evident just how the treatment had taken a toll on her. Jean had to start from scratch to rebuild strength and fitness, that had once come so easily. It wasn’t until March 2020 when she finally got a PB on a 2km ergo test that she had set when she was 16. Jean has proved to be an inspiration to us all and we are excited to see what she gets up to next.

Jacinta and Georgia Maguire


At four years of age Georgia was diagnosed with supratentorial ependymoma. Over a period of 18 months she endured three major brain surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and continues follow up care for the long-term effects from cancer treatment.

Like many kids, Georgia loves chocolate! Georgia also loves baking! Throughout her treatment Georgia was determined to live her best life despite the challenges before her. As a distraction and something to look forward to, Georgia and her mum Jacinta started “12 Months of Chocolate Baking”. Every month when Georgia felt well enough, she chose a recipe with chocolate and would bake it with Jacinta. This inspired a wonderful group of their family and friends to create “The Chocolate Monsters”. The Chocolate Monsters are committed to continuing to raise awareness and funds to support the RCD Foundation and to honour our brain cancer heroes, and to this day Georgia continues to bake delicious goodies, even selling them to raise funds for paediatric brain cancer.

The Brown Family


On the early hours of Sunday, 4th of September 2022, ‘Sweet’ Georgia Brown passed away after 5.5 years of living with brain cancer.

Georgia was only 20 months old when she was diagnosed with an anaplastic ependymoma brain cancer. She spent most of her life in and out of hospital. She had over six major brain surgeries which left her with deficits such as facial palsy, balance issues and needing a tracheostomy for close to a year. Countless chemo drugs that made her so sick and radiation therapy which kept her out of school and doing things she loved.

Georgia loved playing with her sisters, painting, cooking, swimming, dancing and gymnastics, and was a happy, outgoing little girl. Her parents, Rachelle and Nathan and her sisters Rosie and Whitney think about her every single day and are determined to make sure no other family has to go through what they did. Through the heartbreak of losing Georgia, they have rallied their community to raise an impressive amount of funds and awareness for this cruel disease.

Make a donation in Georgia’s memory

Michael Arkalis


In 2002, at just five years old, Michael Arkalis was diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma of the brain stem. Since then Michael has had a number of reoccurrence and undergone surgery numerous times, most recently in 2020. One side effect Michael has experienced is hydrocephalus (characterised by headaches, impaired vision and cognitive difficulties).

Despite everything he has been through, Michael remains positive and is supported by his friends and family.

In his spare time Michael keeps busy volunteering with the SES, St John Ambulance and is now a qualified nurse.  Michael is also a TikTok superstar, follow him @michaels.fight

Ken Fleming


Ken, his wife Dianne, and their sons were happily living their lives in beautiful Tasmania when their world fell apart in July 2016. Their son Jack was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumour, and they spent the next 22 months trying to reverse the irreversible. But sadly Jack died on 15th April 2018, he was just 21 years old.

Ken always thought when he retired he’d write a book. He never wanted to write it unless it had a happy ending, sadly this book did not, but he promised Jack he would do it. After three days of very painful reminisces and emotional depths only parents that have lost children can understand, a manuscript was created which Ken called ‘Jack’s story’.

Jack’s family have been working with doctors and medical researchers at NSW Health, the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the University of Sydney, to establish a National Centre for Brain Tumour Neuropathology – to be known as the Jack Fleming Centre.

Lukas Rosenbaum


Lukas Rosenbaum was diagnosed with a medulloblastoma brain tumour in April 2012 at the age of 2 and a half. He underwent neurosurgery at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, and was then put on a gruelling six month inpatient chemotherapy program to avoid radiation on his young brain. Unfortunately some of the tumour remained so Lukas  underwent 12 months of outpatient ‘maintenance’ chemotherapy to buy some time before commencing full brain and spine proton radiation in Texas, in October 2013, one day after his 4th birthday. Fortunately, Lukas has shown no evidence of disease since January 2014.
Lukas has sadly suffered bilateral high frequency hearing loss from chemotherapy, cataracts in both eyes from brain radiation and ongoing issues with his balance and coordination from tumour and treatment effects. He will suffer a minimum of 10cm height reduction in his spine from the radiation as well as likely further growth disruptions due to damage to his pituitary gland. Full brain radiation at such a tender age also caused changes to his processing skills, memory function and difficulty with social skills. Despite all this, Lukas remains a happy and positive boy who soldiers on.
Lukas has a keen eye for building design and loves to create structures in the game Minecraft. He is also a train lover and can identify the type of train that is approaching solely by its horn sound! He’s just started tennis lessons, and at home he enjoys playing with his cats Skittles and Hazel.
In 2021 Lukas took on the challenge of doing his first Connors Run, running/walking the 9.6km, with the support of his mum and dad. We hope to see them do many more!

Nic Cresp


In September 2018 at the age of 10, Nic was diagnosed with DIPG. With a bleed on his brain, and unable to biopsy nor operate, Nic was given steroids and endured six weeks of radiation at Peter Mac, which shrunk the tumour significantly.

Treated by Dr Jordan Hansford and a team of specialists at the RCH, post-radiation Nic began 12 months of treatment on an immunotherapy clinical trial. Now almost 5 years post-diagnosis, Nic is a strong young man with a passion for rowing and strength training. He still loves gaming with his mates, but staying healthy is his major goal.

Nic’s tumour is stable, and he is monitored twice yearly at the RCH. Nic completed Connor’s Run in 2021 and 2022. Although he will be on a school expedition in Borneo for Connor’s Run in 2023, he plans to include his school friends in Connor’s Run ‘Your Way Any Day’ whilst they hike through the jungle.

Nic has aspirations to work alongside his heroes, and hopes to one day find a way to not only cure, but prevent brain cancer.

Coco Nicholson


Coco was born in May 2001. Seemingly healthy and happy, at eight weeks old she became ill. Despite reassurance from various doctors that nothing was wrong, Coco’s mum Megan took her to the emergency department at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH). She watched Coco go from a thriving, smiley, happy baby, to just a shadow of herself within three short weeks.

The incredible staff at RCH recognised the seriousness of Coco’s situation and admitted her immediately. When Coco began to display some neurological symptoms, she was sent for a lumbar puncture and an MRI, and was eventually diagnosed with a brain tumour. She was operated on immediately by neurosurgeon Wirginia Maixner who was unable to remove the whole tumour as it was situated on her brain stem. Coco was eventually diagnosed with a Glioblastoma Multiforme and began chemotherapy as soon as she was able to. She endured several surgeries and treatments but succumbed to the disease on January 12th 2002 at the tender age of seven months.

Coco now has three younger siblings who are all in secondary school: Maisy, Sunday and Fletcher. Older sister Lili is now studying nursing at Monash.

Lili, her partner, Dylan and Megan registered for their first Connor’s run in 2021. They put the call out to family and friends who have been by their side the last 20 years, and were astounded by the incredible response not just by them, but strangers they have never met who were touched by Coco’s story, raising over $18,000. We hope it’s the first of many Connor’s Runs for TeamCoco!

Olivia Jones


In 2011, at just five years of age, Olivia was diagnosed with a pilocytic astrocytoma in her brain and spinal cord. She underwent a laminectomy of the spine to remove as much of the tumour as possible, but due to the tumour being disseminated throughout her spine, much of it was too close to the spinal cord to remove safely. Olivia then underwent 12 months of chemotherapy, that held the tumour stable for four years, but unfortunately the spinal tumour started growing again in 2016. She underwent another 12 months of chemotherapy and things held steady for almost 5 years until August 2021 when it grew again, and very quickly she lost the use of her left leg.

Most recently, Olivia underwent six weeks of radiation at Peter Mac, as well as a high dose steroid treatment. Olivia’s family hope that this treatment is enough to keep the tumour stable forever.

Olivia is an absolute trooper throughout all her treatments and all of the obstacles that life throws her way. Even when the tumour stays stable, it impacts her daily life in many ways, causing problems such as concentration issues, learning delays, and many physical issues. She’s still working hard to get back to walking independently, with intensive physical therapy several times a week. Now that school is back, she is loving being back in the classroom! Olivia especially missed her friends, choir, singing lessons and rehearsing for the school production! Olivia’s other interests include watching her beloved Hawks play footy, Star Wars, going to the cinema, baking treats and hanging out with her enormous greyhound, Andy!

Olivia came to know about our Foundation after her second relapse, when she was offered music therapy sessions to help her deal with the chemo and physiotherapy that she needed. She has always loved to sing, and she likes to say that “when she sings, all her problems just fly away!” Olivia is once again having music therapy through RCDF as she fights her way through her rehabilitation. It’s always very hard for her to choose what to sing in her sessions! Will it be Disney, Taylor Swift, musical theatre, Ed Sheeran…..who knows!?

Olivia participated in her first Connor’s Run in 2022, with her team Olivia’s Superheroes. Her team all wore superhero costumes, because she’s a huge Marvel fan. Olivia hopes many of her friends and family will join her in raising funds and awareness for children’s brain cancer.

Megan & Ryan


Megan and Ryan’s love story began in February 2016. Their worlds were shaken when Ryan was diagnosed with a medulloblastoma brain tumour in July 2017. He underwent brain surgery, six weeks of radiation, and seven months of chemotherapy.
Ryan was officially cancer free in May of 2018. But during a routing MRI in August 2020, it was discovered that there were four tumours instead of one. Ryan is currently doing well, undergoing chemotherapy fortnightly at Peter Mac.
The couple enjoy going on adventures and travelling to new places. They also love kayaking. Ryan’s a big sports fan so they go to lots of AFL games (although Ryan is a Richmond fan and Megan barracks for Essendon!)
Megan and Ryan have been involved in Connor’s Run since 2020, fundraising as Team Ryan. Megan has also participated in Connor’s Yoga. Through fundraising and awareness, they are hopeful the odds for young people with brain cancer can greatly improve, to help other families like theirs.



Josh came into this world a battler. Born premature at 27 weeks, he suffered cardiac arrests and sadly lost his identical twin brother, Matthew within the first week. At five months old he was diagnosed with deafness and received his first hearing aids and cochlear implant at age five. In 2005 he was diagnosed with leukaemia, in which he underwent five years of treatment until remission, thanks to a bone marrow transplant from his older brother. When Josh was well enough, he attended Victorian College for the Deaf.

At 16 years old, Josh was shockingly diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) an aggressive form of brain cancer for which there is no cure. This came as a huge blow for Josh and his family, after everything he had already been through. During this time, Josh was able to participate in our music therapy program

Josh tragically lost his battle to brain cancer at just 18, passing in the early hours of Mother’s Day, 2019.

A huge Marvel fan, Josh also loved gaming and a variety of action packed TV shows. Nicknamed ‘Mr Braveheart’ for his sheer courage and incredible disposition. Josh will always be in our hearts.

Josh’s mum Donna, and all of his family and friends are doing all they can to raise awareness and funds for brain cancer, so no family or child has to go through what they have.

Amanda & Ava


When the Pearce family received the news two-year-old Ava had an ependymoma brain tumour in November 2018, their lives changed forever.

It took months to diagnose, with numerous trips to the emergency department with mystery symptoms including vomiting and head tilting. Then an MRI discovered a tumour the size of a small orange growing inside her brain.

As some of the tumour was attached to her brain stem, surgery was only able to remove 95% of the tumour. And so it continued to grow, requiring further surgery and thirty-three rounds of radiation.

Then some good news, the tumour had stabilised and the family entered a period of watchful waiting, with Ava attending scans every three months. However, at the eleven-month mark, their hopes were shattered when scans revealed further growth. After another surgery showed that the tumour was completely attached to the brain stem, Ava went through further radiation treatment and a chemotherapy trial.

Despite the family’s unwavering strength and Ava’s incredible bravery, the battle against brain cancer proved insurmountable. In October 2022 Ava passed away, she was just six-years-old.

Ava’s mum Amanda promised her that if she had chemo again and her hair ‘went on holidays’, Amanda would send her hair on holidays too, so Ava’s wouldn’t be lonely. And she kept that promise. For Go Grey 2023, Amanda raised over $11,000 and shaved her head in memory of her beautiful daughter Ava.

The Machingaifa Family


In July 2020, Milo was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of high grade glioma (a type of tumour formed in the brain or spinal cord, through the abnormal growth of glial cells). He underwent surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and has remained tumour free since. Amazingly, he spent only 4 days in hospital after surgery and continued with schooling throughout treatment, with his first goal being to get back on his bike, which he did the day he was allowed to! Milo was part of the AIM Brain study funded by the RCD Foundation. Being part of this meant that genetic mutations in his tumour were discovered, which has provided additional treatment options should he need them.

Whilst treatment effects affect him daily, he continues to live life to the fullest every day and has huge dreams for the future.

The Machingaifa family (mum Francesca, dad Clarence and sisters Olive and Stella) heard about the RCD Foundation after Milo’s diagnosis and have been taking part in Connor’s Run annually since, with their team of amazing supporters, Milo’s Army. Milo loves coming together with friends and family to raise money for the RCD Foundation.

Samuel Devienne


In December 2018, Samuel was diagnosed with Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma at just 20 months old. The MRI indicated it would be unsafe for the neurosurgeons to remove the tumour due to the location within the brainstem.

Samuel then went on a five year journey of three different chemotherapies. The first two were unable to keep his tumour stable, resulting in Samuel being physically disabled, unable to move independently and having to relearn to walk numerous times due to swelling of the tumour in the brain stem.

Samuel required brain surgery two years into treatment to relieve the pressure of the tumour cyst that was causing him to physically decline. After three years of chemo that was unable to keep his tumour from slowly growing, he commenced on a trial drug that changed the lives of Samuel, and his entire family. Over the following two years of the trial drug, his tumour shrunk 72%, and his family saw a huge improvement in Sam in so many ways, physically, emotionally and socially.

Today, seven-year-old Samuel is thriving, chemotherapy-free, despite the challenges of left hemiplegia. But that doesn’t stop him from enjoying school, being a fabulous big brother to Grace and living his best life.

There is no guarantee that Sam won’t require treatment again, but with amazing trial drugs that are available, there is so much hope! Sam and his dedicated team, Sam’s Striders, have been passionate supporters of Connor’s Run for several years, raising vital funds and awareness for paediatric brain cancer.