You can’t take it with you…but you can change the odds for kids with brain cancer

“Goody, let’s talk about bequests!”, said not very many people, ever!

Now, I know I’m in danger of losing you completely but, I’m going to forge ahead and talk about bequests or “gifts in will” or as we at RCD Foundation like to say, joining our “Connor’s I Will Circle”.

When writing or changing your will, once you have looked after the needs of your loved ones, you may like to consider leaving a charitable gift to the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation in your will. This way your compassion, generosity and drive to help change the odds for kids with brain cancer, that you have demonstrated while living by supporting the RCD Foundation, can live on as your legacy.

Your gift could help find a cure for paediatric brain cancer, make a young person with brain cancer’s heart and mind sing by supporting music therapy for them or help develop the next generation of researchers who may go on to bring life-changing trials from research institutes overseas back to Australia to help find a cure.

We are here for the long-term, quickly becoming the peak body for paediatric brain cancer in Australia, and your charitable gift can help us to do this and even more to change the odds for kids with brain cancer.

You don’t have to be “Bill Gates rich” to leave a bequest. Any gift, big or small, a 1% residual of your estate, a set amount, or an item, like, that spare yacht you’ve been wondering what to do with, that type of thing….anything would be gratefully received and highly impactful!

And with a plethora of cheap, quick online will writing options available now, like State Trustees ($69 for an online will), writing or updating your will has never been easier.

When considering joining Connor’s I Will Circle and including the RCD Foundation in your will, you may like to speak with someone from the Foundation, please call or email me: Lisa Bird, Business Development Manager, Email:, Mobile: 0419 368 355 or visit our I Will Circle webpage for more information:

Do let us know if you include the foundation in your will as we would love to thank you and include you in special Connor’s I Will Circle events.

Aeternum Fortis,

Lisa Bird, Business Development Manager