Music Therapy Resource Grant Spotlight: Beth

16-year-old Beth was diagnosed with a pilocytic astrocytoma brain tumour and was loaned a steel tong drum to help her cope while going through treatment in hospital. It really helped her, but after discharge unfortunately she no longer had access to it. Enter the RCD Foundation Music Resource Grant! Beth is delighted to have her very own Hapi Bell Drum!

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age 0-25
  • Brain tumour diagnosis
  • Resident of Australia

Resource Examples:

  • Drumkit
  • Guitar
  • Keyboard
  • Recording Studio Session
  • Karaoke Machine
  • Singing Lessons
  • Headphones
  • Kids’ Instrument Kit
  • Concert Tickets
  • Music Course
  • iPod
  • Visit from Elsa (Frozen)
  • Sound Healing Session

Apply for the Music Matters Resources Grant HERE