Liz Dawes awarded Australia Day Bayside Citizen of the Year

Today the Bayside Council is recognising Liz Dawes as the local Australia Day Citizen of the Year for “outstanding work galvanising the Bayside community around the issue of paediatric brain cancer”.

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Liz is pictured with Bayside Mayor Felicity Frederico.

You’ve been part of turning brain matters into a movement. One that extends beyond Bayside’s borders and is doing good all around Australia and abroad. That’s what this award is about. It’s more than Liz or the RCD team. It’s about your incredible support. Because it’s your support that powers us. Your generosity in form of donations, skills, time and feedback that is driving positive impacts on brain matters.

We’re only at the beginning of something very special in memory of the very special Connor. Today’s award is recognition what we are achieving together. Thank you. Thank you for being part of it.

Aeternum Fortis,
The RCD Fund Team

Read Liz’s Acceptance Speech
Download the Press Release